Thursday, January 3, 2008

A Winter Poem

A poem by Abigail Elizabeth McIntyre

SHIT! It's cold

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Single in '08

So I'm single again. What better to start off the year than the way you began it. So keep me in mind when you meet the next Hot-Professional-Brilliant-Rich-Why-Isn't-He-Married-Yet guy that you are dying to hook me up with. :o)

So Sweet

My brother had a couple fo people over to Tanor's on Friday night, including a girl that I had never met before. Of course she commented on how fat my pups are (because that's what everyone seems to do). Anyway, her exact comment to my brother was "Man, that's funny that all of your animals are so fat, but you and your sister are so skinny!" HOLY CRAP. I go "steve, that girl is invited over ANY time she wants to." How sweet. 35 pounds and back on the wagon again, until I go to Vegas to visit Rach, then back for real for the final 15.
Oh and HAPPY 2008!!

FYI, the more people comment, the more I'm inclined to write more. So if you like what you read (okay you don't have to even like it, just be remotely entertained or read it because there is NOTHING better to do) start commenting!! You know who I'm talking about~