Thursday, March 27, 2008

Yes I've been living with my head in a hole

Good lord I haven't typed anything in a long time, so as a result, you get the short short version. Sorry. It's better than nothing.

Movies. Saw Two. Horton Hears a Who (good for one viewing) and Definitely, Maybe (Ryan Reynolds is hot and at least it wasn't predictable).

Travel. Been to Vegas, Albuquerque, and headed to San Jose next week all for work. I'm getting tired of it.

Dog. Had another surgery, although since it's only been 6 months since his last surgery, at least I didn't have to pay for new blood work. What I did have to pay for was begging my dog sitter to coordinate trips to McVet (and also missing trips for me to SEE the hottie) while I was in New Mexico. We call him Frankenruger now. His next name will be bankaccountdrainer-ruger if he keeps up this pace.

Boys. Don't get me started. I think that's partly why I haven't written, because I don't like to talk about them. I whine and whine and whine about why boys don't like me (I mean, I think I'm pretty great) then all of the sudden I find myself with about 6 who are so in love it creeps me out. So not to let anyone down, I told all of them to take a hike and started working on a new one. Maybe THAT'S why I'm still single. Next time I ask, tell me I'm spoiled and picky. Anyway, my girls at work signed me up for eharmony. I think they get more of a kick out of it than I do, but I had a date with an attorney on Monday, went as well as first dates can be expected, that's all I want to say about it right now!

Blogs. I've been keeping up on all of your posts, sorry I suck at my own. I'll work on that.

Other. I can't remember what else is really going on. Oh I painted my kitchen, I think it looks great. Sorry the picture is blurry. I had to turn the light off, otherwise the paint looks a lot oranger than it really is.

Weather. Yeah it's in the 60's. I'm happy.