Monday, April 28, 2008


Okay here's the story about my plane ride this morning as told over email to a guy I work with. I put it in non tranditional email order, so it's easier for you to read. So instead of reading from the bottom up like in regualr emails, just keep reading like you normally would. This ain't no choose your own adventure. And I deleted all the parts that ACTUALLY pertain to work. Because I am known to do that everyone once in a while.

From: KR
so basically i flew all the way out here to be a cad drafter and move points onto different levels. Living the dream!

From: CB
How else is it going out there?

From: KR
It's going fine. The airport was CRAZY busy and everyone was trying to get rental cars, and with all the construction at the airport, It was 1.5 hours from wheels down until I got to the office which you can see from the airport. Not to mention I sat by a terrorist the whole flight, glad it was just his trial run.

From: CB
Nice....that is hilarious.

From: KR
you think I'm kidding about the terrorist huh? Took him 15 minutes to sit down, as he was untangling cords in his backpack, without taking them all out, finally ended up with a pair of headphones. Then he went to the bathroom 4 times. 4 times in 2 hours. Honestly? Who does that? Oh and did I mention he didn't speak English? I'm not profiling, but yeah. okay maybe a little I am. And then the plane started doing funny things while landing. Like 45 degree tilts. First one way, then stabilize, then dive the other way. Further than I have EVER tilted. THEN we had to land WAAAAAAY far away from the terminal and walk in. Probably because they were scared the plane would explode. The even let us deplane from front and back to get us all out of dodge. Oh and the whole time the guy was praying to Allah. Okay that last part I made up. But the rest is true.

From: CB
You are out of control hilarious. That is pretty good....
In San Jose they typically do park you out a ways and can empty from rear and front...but the rest is a little weird.

Ahhh another week in paradise. Stuck in California for 4 days. Grumble grumble. If anyone wants to call me to catch up, I'm sure i'll be available to chat! :o)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I started this blog about to spill the beans about the attorney, but with the risk that he may some day read this, I'm going to keep my mouth shut. I'm not in any hurry, and neither is he. And that's fine right now. Ask me again how I feel after this summers wave of babies hits. :o)

Work is crazy busy right now, I think I'm heading to California again for two weeks starting next week. The upside however, if I have to stay over the weekend, the attorney is going to meet me in San Francisco.

My freaking dog. His hair hasn't even grown back from his last surgery, yet I found myself on the phone with the emergency vet on Friday night. Stupid dog went and got bit by a spider, then of course proceeded to have an allergic reaction to it. I swear, that guy! He's better now though, thank goodness.

Oh and my fence blew down yesterday. What a pain. My brother called me to tell me, I said "well fix it" he said, "nope I'm calling the landlord (me)". Punk. He did end up fixing it, so that's okay.

I'm goign to the Rockies game tomorrow with Ryan. They are playing the cubs, so I'm torn. Do I wear the Rockies jersey or the Cubs hat? Anyone? What would you do? The Cubs are HOT right now, the Rockies suck. But no one likes 'that guy' who is cheering for the away team.

I wanna hear all about Jenn and Becky's weekend, so get on that girls. I had something totally hilarious to post, but can't for the life of me remember what it was. My bad. Happy springtime!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Baseball Season!

I spent the last entire week in the San Jose office working on a project that we actually started on last summer, but now we are actually moving on. The project itself is pretty basic, but it's for the water group, and the water group and my group (transportation) don't always see eye to eye. So it's always entertaining to say the least. Anyway, I'd never been to San Jose before but I have to admit, my favorite part was that it's already spring there, which is REALLY giving me spring fever! Here was the view from the desk I was sitting in:

It would be REALLY hard for me to get any work done if I sat there permanently. Which is probably why I won't move to a window office in my regular office! Aside from the minor emergency at the DEN airport and the dry cleaning bill to wash all the blood off my brand new white coat, the trip wasn't so bad.

But the good thing about spring coming means it's baseball season (my favorite time of year) and of course that means holiday day (or hookie day, whatever you want to call it) for opening day at Coors Field! I went with my sister and got the cutest picture of this cute old man during the national anthem:

How sad is it that that was the highlight of the game! The Rockies are already looking to make a dramatic comeback in September, because they sure as heck aren't starting off very well! The flyboys did a flyover too, that always makes my hair stand up on end!! Then we went out for oysters at Jax, but the oysters and my stomach did not agree the next morning.

Oh and on a little side note, tonight it date number 4 with the attorney. :o) But who is counting. OH and I'm learning how to golf this summer. My brother is teaching me, I'm so excited! Hopefully I like it, I need a hobby. And one more thing. My daffodils have started to bloom! I'm so far the only house on my block with a color besides brown!