Monday, April 28, 2008


Okay here's the story about my plane ride this morning as told over email to a guy I work with. I put it in non tranditional email order, so it's easier for you to read. So instead of reading from the bottom up like in regualr emails, just keep reading like you normally would. This ain't no choose your own adventure. And I deleted all the parts that ACTUALLY pertain to work. Because I am known to do that everyone once in a while.

From: KR
so basically i flew all the way out here to be a cad drafter and move points onto different levels. Living the dream!

From: CB
How else is it going out there?

From: KR
It's going fine. The airport was CRAZY busy and everyone was trying to get rental cars, and with all the construction at the airport, It was 1.5 hours from wheels down until I got to the office which you can see from the airport. Not to mention I sat by a terrorist the whole flight, glad it was just his trial run.

From: CB
Nice....that is hilarious.

From: KR
you think I'm kidding about the terrorist huh? Took him 15 minutes to sit down, as he was untangling cords in his backpack, without taking them all out, finally ended up with a pair of headphones. Then he went to the bathroom 4 times. 4 times in 2 hours. Honestly? Who does that? Oh and did I mention he didn't speak English? I'm not profiling, but yeah. okay maybe a little I am. And then the plane started doing funny things while landing. Like 45 degree tilts. First one way, then stabilize, then dive the other way. Further than I have EVER tilted. THEN we had to land WAAAAAAY far away from the terminal and walk in. Probably because they were scared the plane would explode. The even let us deplane from front and back to get us all out of dodge. Oh and the whole time the guy was praying to Allah. Okay that last part I made up. But the rest is true.

From: CB
You are out of control hilarious. That is pretty good....
In San Jose they typically do park you out a ways and can empty from rear and front...but the rest is a little weird.

Ahhh another week in paradise. Stuck in California for 4 days. Grumble grumble. If anyone wants to call me to catch up, I'm sure i'll be available to chat! :o)

1 comment:

J, B, O, J & Z said...

I am actually commenting on a comment you left on my blog. Although I did think this post was hilarious. Total racial profiling, but, unfortunately, it happens every day.

Anyway, I actually got the idea from another mom on one of the boards that I read occasionally. She had done it with some really pretty white ribbon and I thought it was a great idea. It is so easy! All you need is a leveler, ribbon and a hot glue gun. It took me maybe an hour and a half. The hardest part was making sure it was level. You should absolutely do it!