Monday, December 1, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Old School TV
Anyway, I was watching Dodgeball with Christine Taylor in it and it made me think of the old TV show "Hey Dude". So I wikipedia'ed it so I could see what the actors are all up to now, and GUESS WHAT. Season 1 is on iTunes. Seriously. But, Salute your shorts isn't. Sad. So I was trying to think of all the old school tv shows that I could possibly track down and watch again to remind myself how bad they really were. I do have Silver Spoons on DVD already. But I need help thinking of more of the totally rad TV shows we watched when we were little (I'm talking preteen years here people).
Bonus points to anyone who remember the original version of E/R (which even starred a then unkown George Clooney. Don't believe me? Google it. Type it with the slash)
Monday, July 21, 2008
I suck at updating this thing
Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl "Will you marry me?" The girl said: "NO!"
And the girl lived happily ever after and went shopping, dancing, drank martinis, ate chocolate, always had a clean house, never had to cook, did whatever the hell she wanted, never argued, didn't have to worry about her weight, traveled more, had many lovers, didn't save money, and had all the hot water to herself. She went to the theatre, never watched sports, never wore friggin' lacy lingerie that went up her ass, had high self esteem, never cried or yelled, felt and looked fabulous in sweat pants and was pleasant all the time.
The End.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
1 Down, "53" to Go.
June 7, 2008 - Colorado Springs, CO
Defying all odds (and gravity) I made it to the top of my first "14-er"! Laura, Brian and I woke up at 4:30 on a perfectly fine Saturday morning (you already think I'm lying don't you?) to tackle the first 14,000 foot mountain of the season. Laura picked one of the few with enough snow melt that we could actually attempt it without snowshoes or ice axes (wait...wha?) Pikes Peak. This was especially good for me, knowing that if something TERRIBLE happened, there is a nice driveable road that I could hitchhike my way up/down as the situation was needed. Nice little safety net for me.
Here's a picture at the very beginning of the hike. Look at me...I look lost already. Looks like a nice and easy walk through the park from here. I can handle that no problemo. Little did I know that within the morning I would be fearing for my life not 1, not 2, but three times. clueless...
So we keep hiking on and on and on. Really there isn't much to report on. Me being the city girl that I am, wasn't interested much in "taking in nature" as I had my trusty ipod strapped to my head for the majority of the walk. Here's a picture of where we were trying to get to, once we got above timberline and past Devil's playground.
So we are hiking along trying not to blow away, still kinda of concerned that we really hadn't gained THAT much in altitude (maybe 2000 feet by then). When we rounded a corner past mini pikes peak (or whatever the name of it was, I can't remember) when I stop dead in my tracks. I can now officially say I've had a panic attack. Which is not a good thing to happen when you are 12000 feet in the air. See in this picture...
Right in the middle of the picture there is like a line of snow that starts up and to the left, then goes down the side like 45 degrees down and to the right? Yeah the side of that hill that IS COVERED IN SNOW and drops down into what B&L fondly referred to as "the bottomless pit". And we had to walk right across it. Anyway. I round the corner and see it. Snow covered slope falling away into nothingness. I sit down and freak out. Laura and Brian shortly come up behind me, and all I say is "I'm scared". Laura goes "That sucks I'll go first" and off they go. Luckily for her (and me) she did this, because I'm pretty sure that I would have sat there and thought about it long enough to talk myself out of it and turning around and going home. Honestly. 4 hours into the hike, I would have turned around and quit. That's how scared I was. But she didn't give me that opportunity and looking back, I thank her for that (I know you are reading this, so there you go, I admit it) Brian, being the helpful compassionate guy that he is changed the name for me to "topless pit" to make me feel better about it. Thanks Bri.
So I made it past that crazyness (please feel free to read all the comments, I'd be willing to bet that Laura has some input on how death defying it really was) and made it to the top! Woo-hoo!
Pikes Peak, Elev 14,110 feet
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Incline Round 2
Friday, May 9, 2008
Oh Sweet Incline, How I love thee, let me count the ways, guess just one.
That's 2000 vertical feet in just under a mile. Not to mention it's from like 6800 to 8800 feet, not for you lowlanders. That's a lot of freaking stairs. And they aren't all evenly spaced and nice. oh no. The part on public land (shown here) is pretty well maintined. The part where you are technically trespassing is not. Oh no.
The incline is an old cog railroad near Pikes Peak and is pretty popular training location for local athletes. The record for this puppy (by Matt Carpenter) is 18 minutes. The dude is insane. Here is a link with more information:
Anyway, we started off pretty slow, wondering what the heck we were trying to prove.
After you get about halfway up, it's really just going through the motions. About this time, I couldnt' turn around and look down, so don't expect many more pictures of "the view" because I swore I was going to tumble to my death. But here's Laura still somehow managing to look like she was having a good time:
But an hour and half later we finally made it to the top! Hooray! I couldnt' believe we did it on the first try! There is a bailout point about 2/3 the way up, but by the time you got that far, you may as well keep going.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Tanor's Owners Give Odds on American Idol
Monday, April 28, 2008
From: KR
so basically i flew all the way out here to be a cad drafter and move points onto different levels. Living the dream!
From: CB
How else is it going out there?
From: KR
It's going fine. The airport was CRAZY busy and everyone was trying to get rental cars, and with all the construction at the airport, It was 1.5 hours from wheels down until I got to the office which you can see from the airport. Not to mention I sat by a terrorist the whole flight, glad it was just his trial run.
From: CB
Nice....that is hilarious.
From: KR
you think I'm kidding about the terrorist huh? Took him 15 minutes to sit down, as he was untangling cords in his backpack, without taking them all out, finally ended up with a pair of headphones. Then he went to the bathroom 4 times. 4 times in 2 hours. Honestly? Who does that? Oh and did I mention he didn't speak English? I'm not profiling, but yeah. okay maybe a little I am. And then the plane started doing funny things while landing. Like 45 degree tilts. First one way, then stabilize, then dive the other way. Further than I have EVER tilted. THEN we had to land WAAAAAAY far away from the terminal and walk in. Probably because they were scared the plane would explode. The even let us deplane from front and back to get us all out of dodge. Oh and the whole time the guy was praying to Allah. Okay that last part I made up. But the rest is true.
From: CB
You are out of control hilarious. That is pretty good....
In San Jose they typically do park you out a ways and can empty from rear and front...but the rest is a little weird.
Ahhh another week in paradise. Stuck in California for 4 days. Grumble grumble. If anyone wants to call me to catch up, I'm sure i'll be available to chat! :o)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Work is crazy busy right now, I think I'm heading to California again for two weeks starting next week. The upside however, if I have to stay over the weekend, the attorney is going to meet me in San Francisco.
My freaking dog. His hair hasn't even grown back from his last surgery, yet I found myself on the phone with the emergency vet on Friday night. Stupid dog went and got bit by a spider, then of course proceeded to have an allergic reaction to it. I swear, that guy! He's better now though, thank goodness.
Oh and my fence blew down yesterday. What a pain. My brother called me to tell me, I said "well fix it" he said, "nope I'm calling the landlord (me)". Punk. He did end up fixing it, so that's okay.
I'm goign to the Rockies game tomorrow with Ryan. They are playing the cubs, so I'm torn. Do I wear the Rockies jersey or the Cubs hat? Anyone? What would you do? The Cubs are HOT right now, the Rockies suck. But no one likes 'that guy' who is cheering for the away team.
I wanna hear all about Jenn and Becky's weekend, so get on that girls. I had something totally hilarious to post, but can't for the life of me remember what it was. My bad. Happy springtime!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Baseball Season!
How sad is it that that was the highlight of the game! The Rockies are already looking to make a dramatic comeback in September, because they sure as heck aren't starting off very well! The flyboys did a flyover too, that always makes my hair stand up on end!! Then we went out for oysters at Jax, but the oysters and my stomach did not agree the next morning.
Oh and on a little side note, tonight it date number 4 with the attorney. :o) But who is counting. OH and I'm learning how to golf this summer. My brother is teaching me, I'm so excited! Hopefully I like it, I need a hobby. And one more thing. My daffodils have started to bloom! I'm so far the only house on my block with a color besides brown!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Yes I've been living with my head in a hole
Boys. Don't get me started. I think that's partly why I haven't written, because I don't like to talk about them. I whine and whine and whine about why boys don't like me (I mean, I think I'm pretty great) then all of the sudden I find myself with about 6 who are so in love it creeps me out. So not to let anyone down, I told all of them to take a hike and started working on a new one. Maybe THAT'S why I'm still single. Next time I ask, tell me I'm spoiled and picky. Anyway, my girls at work signed me up for eharmony. I think they get more of a kick out of it than I do, but I had a date with an attorney on Monday, went as well as first dates can be expected, that's all I want to say about it right now!
Blogs. I've been keeping up on all of your posts, sorry I suck at my own. I'll work on that.
Other. I can't remember what else is really going on. Oh I painted my kitchen, I think it looks great. Sorry the picture is blurry. I had to turn the light off, otherwise the paint looks a lot oranger than it really is.
Weather. Yeah it's in the 60's. I'm happy.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Single in '08
So Sweet
Oh and HAPPY 2008!!
FYI, the more people comment, the more I'm inclined to write more. So if you like what you read (okay you don't have to even like it, just be remotely entertained or read it because there is NOTHING better to do) start commenting!! You know who I'm talking about~