Sunday, April 6, 2008

Baseball Season!

I spent the last entire week in the San Jose office working on a project that we actually started on last summer, but now we are actually moving on. The project itself is pretty basic, but it's for the water group, and the water group and my group (transportation) don't always see eye to eye. So it's always entertaining to say the least. Anyway, I'd never been to San Jose before but I have to admit, my favorite part was that it's already spring there, which is REALLY giving me spring fever! Here was the view from the desk I was sitting in:

It would be REALLY hard for me to get any work done if I sat there permanently. Which is probably why I won't move to a window office in my regular office! Aside from the minor emergency at the DEN airport and the dry cleaning bill to wash all the blood off my brand new white coat, the trip wasn't so bad.

But the good thing about spring coming means it's baseball season (my favorite time of year) and of course that means holiday day (or hookie day, whatever you want to call it) for opening day at Coors Field! I went with my sister and got the cutest picture of this cute old man during the national anthem:

How sad is it that that was the highlight of the game! The Rockies are already looking to make a dramatic comeback in September, because they sure as heck aren't starting off very well! The flyboys did a flyover too, that always makes my hair stand up on end!! Then we went out for oysters at Jax, but the oysters and my stomach did not agree the next morning.

Oh and on a little side note, tonight it date number 4 with the attorney. :o) But who is counting. OH and I'm learning how to golf this summer. My brother is teaching me, I'm so excited! Hopefully I like it, I need a hobby. And one more thing. My daffodils have started to bloom! I'm so far the only house on my block with a color besides brown!


Jenn said...

Four dates is awesome.
I wanted to learn to golf this summer too, but I have a big fat belly in my way, so you can let me know if you like it.
I love Matt Holliday.
Daffodils are still some of my favorite flowers in the world.

Kelly said...

Four dates is better than no dates!
Yeah you might not have the easiest time golfing this summer!
Matt Holliday wants to be my baby-daddy. i'll give up golf for that. Just kidding Mrs. Holliday.
Daffodils are great, but the tulips are coming next!!

Danielle said...

Umm..any way you can elaborate with the DEN airport and the blood? Doesn;t sound pretty.
Date number four is awesome...and since I am responding a little late, hopefully there has been more since:)
Golfing sucks...I took a course in college and all I got out of it were blisters and a "fun" day of walking the golf course throwing my ball towards the hole cuz I couldn;t hit it with the damn club! Perhaps maybe though my lack of height may have been the problem (I was still somewhat not fat then, so I can;t blame a belly) , so hopefully you'll have more luck:)
I hope we can catch up some day in the near future when all our traveling slows down:)