Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I started this blog about to spill the beans about the attorney, but with the risk that he may some day read this, I'm going to keep my mouth shut. I'm not in any hurry, and neither is he. And that's fine right now. Ask me again how I feel after this summers wave of babies hits. :o)

Work is crazy busy right now, I think I'm heading to California again for two weeks starting next week. The upside however, if I have to stay over the weekend, the attorney is going to meet me in San Francisco.

My freaking dog. His hair hasn't even grown back from his last surgery, yet I found myself on the phone with the emergency vet on Friday night. Stupid dog went and got bit by a spider, then of course proceeded to have an allergic reaction to it. I swear, that guy! He's better now though, thank goodness.

Oh and my fence blew down yesterday. What a pain. My brother called me to tell me, I said "well fix it" he said, "nope I'm calling the landlord (me)". Punk. He did end up fixing it, so that's okay.

I'm goign to the Rockies game tomorrow with Ryan. They are playing the cubs, so I'm torn. Do I wear the Rockies jersey or the Cubs hat? Anyone? What would you do? The Cubs are HOT right now, the Rockies suck. But no one likes 'that guy' who is cheering for the away team.

I wanna hear all about Jenn and Becky's weekend, so get on that girls. I had something totally hilarious to post, but can't for the life of me remember what it was. My bad. Happy springtime!


Jenn said...

Can you privately email the details about the attorney? I am dying to know...dying...dying...dying.

Laura said...

Nice, I see you daily and you didn't even tell me you may be back on for going to San Jose next week. You must hate me. :oP