Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Blast From the Past

I think I need to stop writing about things, they then come back to haunt me!
Going back to the nickname blog, that all started because I date people with the same name (sometimes at the same time) so they NEED nicknames to keep them all straight. I've dated three Adam's, they keep popping up. Every time I meet I new one I run screaming in the other direction.
So here's the scene. We are all going out and it's kinda of a big deal because I haven't met many of jujuvee's friends so he gave me a brief run down of who everyone was that was going to be there. One of whom was a girl that he sorta dated, used to work with, and was now just friends with and her new boyfriend. So we go pick them up and on the way, she goes "you look really familiar to me". So we play the obligatory song and dance of "where did you go to high school" blah blah blah and nothing is ringing any bells in my head, so I let it go. Eventually I get up to go to the ladies' and as I'm walking back jujuvee goes "so does the name Adam **** mean anything to you" (I have to protect the innocent here). Immeditaely my heart sank. This girl was my high school sweetheart's step sister! OMG. Not only that, she also dated Jeremy, who I also dated, so now that's three ties I have had to her in my life, and I hardly recognized her. Then I started feeling like an ass for not changing one bit in the 12 years since high school. Maybe in ten years I'll take that as a compliment but it was kind of depressing. Good thing I just dropped 35 pounds, otherwise she would have been thinking "Damn that girl got fat" (I know this because as we rehashed all the old crew that I used to run with, she commented on every one of their weight. So I tell this story to Danielle, and she goes "OMG the one that Old Adam slept with". Thank god for selective memory (but thanks more to having friends for so long that they can remember the details that you try to forget) but I had completely forgotten that the rumors at the time were that she "consoled him" during our break up. GROSS.
I've come to accept my station in life right now as "the single one". It makes for some good stories of some of the predicaments I get myself into! Which leads to Friday night...
Friday night I decided that since I got to meet some of his friends, he could come hang out with some of mine. So we met up with a couple of the guys from the Denver office for lots of alcohol. Man did THAT fly over like a lead balloon. Workboy was there, who I was kind of seeing this summer, but I maintain that we were never officially dating, as I know better than to date someone I work with. I have introduced them before, as we were all downtown before the world series, so I didn't think it was THAT big of a deal. Well when you add that much liquor, and the social retardedness taht accompanies being an engineer, workboy suddenly thinks yours truly is the DEVIL and makes sure to tell me ALL about it. For like a half an hour. LOUDLY. Then follow up with multiitudes of crappy typed text messages (really they are funny, I'll have to show them to you sometime). Then comes the post sleep pre hangover text message in perfect english "I'm SO sorry for last night". hahaha I'm not sure who taught me that the best medicine for drunk text's is to just ignore them, but I appreciate it. Maybe all of those drunk dialings that I did in college are finally coming around to work out in my favor.
Moral of this story. Boys are dumb. But I'm not into girls so the saga will continue...

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Hey, sorry for bringing back unwanted memories...I guess it was gut reaction since I did not have the luxury of selectivly forgetting that grossness...LOL.