Sunday, November 4, 2007

Weekend Ramblings

I spent most of the day on Saturday out in the sunshine (one of the few left for the season I'm afraid) then Saturday night Thermoboy invited me over to go to a house party with him and his new girlfriend (okay so they have been dating for 6 months, I just haven't seen him in about that long...coincidence??) and his brother and one of their other friends. I wasn't sure if I really felt like going to a house party, but I wanted to stop by and say hi before they left. So we are hanging out, and his brother left to go pick up the other friend, and we stayed back to wait for Carrie to show up. Well this chick walks in with black hooker boots, black fish net like stockings, and this skin tight cotton black dress thing (she is NOT a little girl either....not BIG, but not something I would wear in public). So she storms in, Thermoboy goes "cool we have to go to the liquor store" then introduces me, and she goes "I'll go" then storms out. So Thermoboy follows her outside and a 15 minute argument ensues saying "who the hell is that and I'll totally feel like a third wheel" and on and on and on. Good lord woman. If I wanted her boyfriend I could have had him. A couple times. And did in fact, so go shove it. :o) So he comes back in and gives me the download how he told her to grow up (which is awesome of him). By this point, I've pretty much decided that I will go to this party just to piss her off. So she drives off, and sends a text message (Are we 12?) that she isn't going to the liquor store that she is going home. Cool. Whatever. But the weird thing is, she came back! I thought maybe she would go home to change clothes, but that didn't happen. Oh yeah and she had this hideous tan bag that she was carrying as a purse. I'm no fashionista, but I don't push the envelope all wrong either! Anyway we go to the party and I try to be nice, but I've come to the conclusion that I just hate her. She's gross. If they get married my days of hanging out with him are OVER. Hopefully he'll see the light. Gross. She wasn't even that cute. She looked like a cabbage patch kid.
Rest of the weekend was far less eventful. I finally got my barstools for the basement (hooray we now have places to sit!!) and I won fantasy football.
And for the record, we have owned guitar hero for 6 days now, and I think I have logged about 20 hours playing the stupid thing. But I can beat all the levels on Medium, so I'm at least improving! MG comes home from Florida/Michigan tonight, I haven't seen him in a week (no correlation to the guitar hero I'm sure)

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