Thursday, December 27, 2007

More Movies!

National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets
What I thought it was about: Terrible actor leaps to rediculous conclusions and finds a book of secrets to somehow clear his family's name. Again.
What hollywood says it's about: Treasure hunter Benjamin Franklin Gates looks to discover the truth behind the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, by uncovering the mystery within the 18 pages missing from assassin John Wilkes Booth's diary.
After seeing it, what it's really about: Terrible actor leaps to rediculous conclusions and finds a book of secrets to somehow clear his family's name. Again.
Critics gave it: C +
Yahoo Users gave it a B.
Yours truly gave it....a D. It's always bad when you are EXPECTING cheese, and you still aren't impressed. Nick Cage is STILL a terrible actor and I didn't even feel like I learned anything about history.

Waitress (DVD)
What I thought it was about: I was honeslty thinking it would be some cutsy romantic comedy, but I had been tipped off that the ending was not some glorious hollywood ending.
What hollywood says it's about: As a favorite waitress at Joe's Diner, Jenna is also a "pie genius," naming her tantalizing confections after the tumultuous events and emotions of her daily life. She's hoping that one of her pastries, like her "Kick In The Pants" Pie, might even change her life--if she can just win that $25,000 pie contest. But when Jenna discovers that she's pregnant, she immediately bakes an "I Don't Want Earl's Baby" Pie--a quiche of egg and cheese with a smoked ham center. After all, her husband Earl is a jealous jerk that is essentially a child himself, and the last thing they need to do is start a family together. But the pregnancy eventually changes the course of events in her life, giving her an unexpected and newfound confidence via letters to her unborn baby.
After seeing it, what it's really about: That girls trapped in terrible marriages DO sometimes have more strength than there are typically given credit for.
Critics gave it: B +
Yahoo Users gave it a B.
Yours truly gave it....a A-. I was entertained the whole time, and although I think it's trampy (spoiler alert) to sleep with you OB while you are preggo with your husband's kid, I'm glad that this movie didn't end with the obvious hollywood ending. It made the movie.

What I thought it was about: 16 year old girl gets knocked up and spends her days at the gas station with Dwight K. Schrute ala Clerks. And whines about how hard her life is and how much her life sucks.
What hollywood says it's about: Juno is a whip-smart teen confronting an unplanned pregnancy by her classmate Bleeker. With the help of her hot best friend Leah, Juno finds her unborn child a "perfect" set of parents: an affluent suburban couple, Mark and Vanessa, longing to adopt. Luckily, Juno has the total support of her parents as she faces some tough decisions, flirts with adulthood and ultimately figures out where she belongs.
After seeing it, what it's really about: Realist 16 year old with a dry sense of humor and fierce determination carries 2 hours with of movie like she has been doing it for years. Totally believeable acting from all involved, including Mrs. Affleck. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll want to see it a thousand times.
Critics gave it: A-
Yahoo Users gave it a B+.
Yours truly gave it....a A+++.
This is probably one of the best movies I have seen in a LONG time. GO SEE IT. That's all I have to say. It was freaking hilarious, with KILLER one liners that can be used over and over again. It was smart and applied to real life in so many ways. Oh and she didn't complain at all. And her parents were awesome. So my initial thoughts were garbage. Go see it. For real.

I also watched the 5th HArry Potter (finally) but I probalby don't need to go into details on that. Just know that I was bored to tears, and remember why I put off watching it for so long.

Hope you all had a good holiday weekend, and accomplished more than watching 4 movies like I did. :o)

Monday, December 17, 2007

Nuggets Game

Last week one of the architects that I work with pretty regularily gave me his nuggets tickets for the evening. I decided to take my brother, as I have been ditching him a lot lately and, well, he's a pretty cool dude to hang out with. Okay everyone else was busy. Just kidding. The seats we had were pretty sweet (in fact I think I chose the wrong profession if he can afford these as his regular season tickets!) Midcourt, Row 3. Yeah I'm spoiled. Here's some pictures:
It's pretty cool to be close enough to actually hear what the guys are saying. I was often reminded how young some of these guys are, but K-Mart is my new favorite guy, simply based on how funny he is when he's yelling at the refs.
Anyway...I had a point...oh yes. So I'm there with my brother. Some people think we look alike, some people think we dont. Apparently the guys that run the "kiss-cam" camera think we don't. Because the hone in on a couple and WILL NOT leave them alone until they kiss. Which sucks when you are there with your brother. Wanna talk about embarassing. so we did the Marcus-Camby-exploding-fist-bump-high-five and got a big laugh from the audience. But come on, what would YOU have done??
This was of course followed up by TWO people I know seeing me on the screen (why does everyone I know seem to be at the games the same time I am?)
Anyway, I'm up to 5 Nuggets games this year already. I say this because of all my Seattle friends who accused me of being a badwagon Rockies Fan (okay I still have a Mariners sticker on my car, but they are TERRIBLE), and I have a good feeling about the Nuggets this year. I'm just sayin.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I'm such a chick

Let me set the stage for you. What do you get when you cross this:

and this:

with this:

Not a very good start to my day, that's what! So what do I do? Hell no I ain't pulling over in my work clothes on the side of the road to fix it. I'll drive ALL the way into the office and con one of the engineers here to do it for me. That's the kind of crap they went to school for right? Plus they all need lessons on how to be a little less socially retarded. They can start by helping a damsel in distress.

Thank god I have a four day weekend coming up. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Horrible Momma

It's just not natural for me to have a blog and not include in it SOMEWHERE the loves of my life. Show them some love, they obviously aren't getting any at home. Or food for that matter either.

What the Duece?

Vintage Sesame Street Came out on DVD (as does just about everything these, I'm waiting for 321 contact, Mr. Wizard's World, Voyage of the Mimi, and Silver Spoons) but the kicker is that it has an ADULTS ONLY RATING. WTF??? No wonder kids these days all have ADD.

Blast From the Past

I think I need to stop writing about things, they then come back to haunt me!
Going back to the nickname blog, that all started because I date people with the same name (sometimes at the same time) so they NEED nicknames to keep them all straight. I've dated three Adam's, they keep popping up. Every time I meet I new one I run screaming in the other direction.
So here's the scene. We are all going out and it's kinda of a big deal because I haven't met many of jujuvee's friends so he gave me a brief run down of who everyone was that was going to be there. One of whom was a girl that he sorta dated, used to work with, and was now just friends with and her new boyfriend. So we go pick them up and on the way, she goes "you look really familiar to me". So we play the obligatory song and dance of "where did you go to high school" blah blah blah and nothing is ringing any bells in my head, so I let it go. Eventually I get up to go to the ladies' and as I'm walking back jujuvee goes "so does the name Adam **** mean anything to you" (I have to protect the innocent here). Immeditaely my heart sank. This girl was my high school sweetheart's step sister! OMG. Not only that, she also dated Jeremy, who I also dated, so now that's three ties I have had to her in my life, and I hardly recognized her. Then I started feeling like an ass for not changing one bit in the 12 years since high school. Maybe in ten years I'll take that as a compliment but it was kind of depressing. Good thing I just dropped 35 pounds, otherwise she would have been thinking "Damn that girl got fat" (I know this because as we rehashed all the old crew that I used to run with, she commented on every one of their weight. So I tell this story to Danielle, and she goes "OMG the one that Old Adam slept with". Thank god for selective memory (but thanks more to having friends for so long that they can remember the details that you try to forget) but I had completely forgotten that the rumors at the time were that she "consoled him" during our break up. GROSS.
I've come to accept my station in life right now as "the single one". It makes for some good stories of some of the predicaments I get myself into! Which leads to Friday night...
Friday night I decided that since I got to meet some of his friends, he could come hang out with some of mine. So we met up with a couple of the guys from the Denver office for lots of alcohol. Man did THAT fly over like a lead balloon. Workboy was there, who I was kind of seeing this summer, but I maintain that we were never officially dating, as I know better than to date someone I work with. I have introduced them before, as we were all downtown before the world series, so I didn't think it was THAT big of a deal. Well when you add that much liquor, and the social retardedness taht accompanies being an engineer, workboy suddenly thinks yours truly is the DEVIL and makes sure to tell me ALL about it. For like a half an hour. LOUDLY. Then follow up with multiitudes of crappy typed text messages (really they are funny, I'll have to show them to you sometime). Then comes the post sleep pre hangover text message in perfect english "I'm SO sorry for last night". hahaha I'm not sure who taught me that the best medicine for drunk text's is to just ignore them, but I appreciate it. Maybe all of those drunk dialings that I did in college are finally coming around to work out in my favor.
Moral of this story. Boys are dumb. But I'm not into girls so the saga will continue...

Movie Review

I like movies. I do. Problem is, I like watching the movies that I know I'll like, which partly explains my rediculous collection of DVD's that I have at my house. (I am reminded of this each time I have to clear a new shelf on the bookshelf that is now almost entirely all DVD's). But now that I'm doing the dating thing again, I have gone out to see a couple of movies, so I'll write my opinion on them all here. Because the 9,120,329 people on yahoo users' opinions don't mean crap.

Dan in Real Life
What I thought it was about: Some freaking funny guy from the office stumbles through raising his kids and runs into a lot of funny hijinx along the way.
What hollywood says it's about: Advice columnist Dan Burns is an expert on relationships, but somehow struggles to succeed as a brother, a son and a single parent.
After seeing it, what it's really about: Some panty waste of a whiny man falls in love but rolls over and dies before fighting very hard for it.

Critics gave it: B Yahoo Users gave it a B. Yours truly gave it....a B.

Okay it wasn't bad just not what I expected. And I was a little depressed that Dane Cook wasn't a little funnier. It was sappy and kind of boring, not the humor masterpiece I was looking forward to and it was entirely too predictable. But it had it's most. And most importantly, at 11pm on a week night, I didn't fall asleep.

Martian Child
What I thought it was about: Single guy adopts a kid who has diagnosable mental problems.
What hollywood says it's about: A recently widowed science fiction writer forms an unlikely family with a close friend and a young adopted boy that claims to be from Mars. The new couple ignores some sage parenting advice from the widower's sister and gets more than they bargained for when a series of strange occurrences lead them to believe that the child's claim may be true.
After seeing it, what it's really about: I was a little disappointed in that there wasn't anything really wrong with the kid, he was just a weirdo. And new couple? Give me a break, that chick was in like 4 scenes which made the ending seemed forced and pointless. If you are going to spend the whole movie talking about this guy and the kid, why on earth do you have to add in some relationship. And we still don't know how he knows that lady...she could be the dead wife's sister for all of that character development.

Critics gave it: C Yahoo Users gave it a B. Yours truly gave it....a D.

Snore. Pass this one. In the attempt to do so much, they ended up with so little. And the kid wasn't even that cute in a kid-from-jerry-maguire kind of way. What's with little boys and their long hair these days. Gross. My kid is going to be buzz cut until the day he gets to college.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

New Nickname

I have nicknames for every boy that I know. It's just my thing. It's usually some initials that stand for their occupation followed by "boy" or "guy" or something of the like. But every now and again I get creative enough that they will even respond to said nicknames (shooter for example will now sign his emails like that even though I quite possibly am the only person in the universe that calls him by that name. Anyway, I've really been struggling with a nickname for MG, I keep trying out new ones and none of them stick (like say thermoboy did). So we are going to work in a new name, see how it all pans out. Jujuvee (pictured) is now equal to MG, so if I mix them we'll know that it isn't working out. I just didn't want you to be confused, they are one in the same. Thanks Laura for the suggestion.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Where have I been?

Gross. Someone tell me that Lance Armstrong is NOT sleeping with Ashley Olsen. What is she, like 7? I was perfectly content watching the trainwreck that is Brit-Brit.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Weekend Ramblings

I spent most of the day on Saturday out in the sunshine (one of the few left for the season I'm afraid) then Saturday night Thermoboy invited me over to go to a house party with him and his new girlfriend (okay so they have been dating for 6 months, I just haven't seen him in about that long...coincidence??) and his brother and one of their other friends. I wasn't sure if I really felt like going to a house party, but I wanted to stop by and say hi before they left. So we are hanging out, and his brother left to go pick up the other friend, and we stayed back to wait for Carrie to show up. Well this chick walks in with black hooker boots, black fish net like stockings, and this skin tight cotton black dress thing (she is NOT a little girl either....not BIG, but not something I would wear in public). So she storms in, Thermoboy goes "cool we have to go to the liquor store" then introduces me, and she goes "I'll go" then storms out. So Thermoboy follows her outside and a 15 minute argument ensues saying "who the hell is that and I'll totally feel like a third wheel" and on and on and on. Good lord woman. If I wanted her boyfriend I could have had him. A couple times. And did in fact, so go shove it. :o) So he comes back in and gives me the download how he told her to grow up (which is awesome of him). By this point, I've pretty much decided that I will go to this party just to piss her off. So she drives off, and sends a text message (Are we 12?) that she isn't going to the liquor store that she is going home. Cool. Whatever. But the weird thing is, she came back! I thought maybe she would go home to change clothes, but that didn't happen. Oh yeah and she had this hideous tan bag that she was carrying as a purse. I'm no fashionista, but I don't push the envelope all wrong either! Anyway we go to the party and I try to be nice, but I've come to the conclusion that I just hate her. She's gross. If they get married my days of hanging out with him are OVER. Hopefully he'll see the light. Gross. She wasn't even that cute. She looked like a cabbage patch kid.
Rest of the weekend was far less eventful. I finally got my barstools for the basement (hooray we now have places to sit!!) and I won fantasy football.
And for the record, we have owned guitar hero for 6 days now, and I think I have logged about 20 hours playing the stupid thing. But I can beat all the levels on Medium, so I'm at least improving! MG comes home from Florida/Michigan tonight, I haven't seen him in a week (no correlation to the guitar hero I'm sure)

Friday, November 2, 2007


So I have seen lots of famous people recently, all in the form of major league baseball players doing what they do best, playing baseball. Wrigley Field in September, NLCS Game 4, and World Series Game 3.
I even "saw" my favorite American Idol singing the national anthem at the game. But I have never...EVER...seen someone famous up close and personnal, in a normal setting, being normal people. I think it's probably because most of the time I walk around with my head up my ass and don't recognize anyone unless they are wearing their number or have a giant heard of people following. Until today. There I am minding my own business at Red Robin of all places, and in walks Joe Sakic with his little kid. Just being a guy who takes his kid to the BEST restuarant in the world. And you know what else? People left him alone. It was awesome. I have a new found faith in the world again. Now if people would just stop hounding me for autographs...